From greenfield to implementation.
What is the difference between you and a consultant?
We really build. And we don’t mean Powerpoints.
Defined processes within organizations often pose the biggest challenge in implementing innovations. “Who decides? Are we allowed to? What if it goes wrong?” But baby, what if it works? Let’s find out!
When we say “unleash”, we mean that we make things possible that are often not conceivable in the given corporate structure. By outsourcing them, we are much more like a “real” startup. Don’t think so? Let’s talk.
Dirty hands? We love that.
Turning ideas into reality.
No matter where you are with your ideas, whether you don’t have any yet or are already in the middle of implementing them, we are your partner.
With our implementation-oriented mindset, we are able to reconcile different interests within companies and create outcome-oriented collaborations.
Ready or not. Let’s find out.
We understand that going public with a (crazy) new idea can sometimes be intimidating. It could go wrong. Well, yes. But we have something for you.
We love going public with new ideas. And we also enjoy doing it for others. You use our name, our imprint – and stay incognito. Additionally, we are experienced in implementing fast validations. So we find out in record time if there is a market for your idea. And of course we share the generated data and knowledge with you. So that you can make a data-based decision whether to invest further in the idea, drop it or iterate. And ideally, we’ll continue to build it together.
The thing we love to do the most.
Venture building is our signature move. Our supreme discipline. Our Champions League.
Whether close to the core business or far away, when we are allowed to develop ideas ourselves, we rise above ourselves. When ideas become solutions, our hearts beat faster. What sets us apart? We always take this path in stages, with an eye on the milestones. That’s how we manage to develop new products and business models that have a significantly higher chance of success.
When we then launch a new company together, a joint venture, that’s when you’ll see us at our happiest. Because our venture-building projects are always our babies. And of course, we want to see them grow up.
It ain’t over ’til it’s over.
The idea was great. The first validation on the market might have been, too. But now the innovation project has just stalled. Missing customers? Not the right investments? There can be many reasons why a project stalls. We look at it “from the outside”. Never to blame. Always to see if there might be things you have overlooked. Solutions you haven’t thought of yet. We want the project to fly.
And for that, we like to get our hands dirty when others tell you it’s actually already too late.